Basic Usage
- 今回はServiceやIngressを指定しないためPod数の増減となります
- canary へのtraffic shift が分かりやすいように
とします -
今回は以下のようなstepでcanary traffic への割り振りを行います
# step 0 20%のtrafficをcanaryに割り振る 1 60sec pause 2 80%のtrafficをcanaryに割り振る 3 60sec pause 4 100%のtrafficをcanaryに割り振る 5 canary を stable に切り替え argo-rollouts/nginx.yaml
--- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: rollout-test-canary-nginx-conf data: nginx.conf: | user nginx; worker_processes 1; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { server { listen 80; server_name _; location / { root html; index index.html index.htm; } location /nginx_status { stub_status on; access_log off; allow; deny all; } } } --- apiVersion: kind: Rollout metadata: name: rollout-test-canary-nginx spec: strategy: canary: steps: - setWeight: 20 - pause: {duration: 60} - setWeight: 80 - pause: {duration: 60} selector: matchLabels: app: nginx replicas: 5 template: metadata: annotations: 'true' '9113' labels: app: nginx spec: volumes: - name: nginx-conf configMap: name: rollout-test-canary-nginx-conf items: - key: nginx.conf path: nginx.conf containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:1.14.1 ports: - containerPort: 80 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf readOnly: true name: nginx-conf subPath: nginx.conf - name: nginx-exporter image: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 args: - -nginx.scrape-uri=http://localhost/nginx_status ports: - containerPort: 9113
$ kubectl argo rollouts list rollouts NAME STRATEGY STATUS STEP SET-WEIGHT READY DESIRED UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE rollout-test-canary-nginx Canary Healthy 4/4 100 5/5 5 5 5
$ kubectl argo rollouts get rollout rollout-test-canary-nginx Name: rollout-test-canary-nginx Namespace: default Status: ✔ Healthy Strategy: Canary Step: 4/4 SetWeight: 100 ActualWeight: 100 Images: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 (stable) nginx:1.14.1 (stable) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 5 Updated: 5 Ready: 5 Available: 5 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO ⟳ rollout-test-canary-nginx Rollout ✔ Healthy 2m58s └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 2m58s stable ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-47h6s Pod ✔ Running 2m58s ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-dkq5v Pod ✔ Running 2m58s ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-ph8pf Pod ✔ Running 2m58s ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-pw8md Pod ✔ Running 2m58s ready:2/2 └──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-rqbr5 Pod ✔ Running 2m58s ready:2/2
へbump upしてdeploy-
kubectl argo rollouts get rollout rollout-test-canary-nginx -w
で状態遷移を確認0. 20%のtrafficをcanaryに割り振る
Name: rollout-test-canary-nginx Namespace: default Status: ◌ Progressing Message: more replicas need to be updated Strategy: Canary Step: 0/4 SetWeight: 20 ActualWeight: 0 Images: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 (canary, stable) nginx:1.14.1 (stable) nginx:1.14.2 (canary) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 5 Updated: 1 Ready: 4 Available: 4 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO ⟳ rollout-test-canary-nginx Rollout ◌ Progressing 4m57s ├──# revision:2 │ └──⧉ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89 ReplicaSet ◌ Progressing 7s canary │ └──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-w7clb Pod ✔ Running 6s ready:2/2 └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 4m57s stable ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-dkq5v Pod ✔ Running 4m57s ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-ph8pf Pod ✔ Running 4m57s ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-pw8md Pod ✔ Running 4m57s ready:2/2 └──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-rqbr5 Pod ✔ Running 4m57s ready:2/2
1. 60sec pause
Name: rollout-test-canary-nginx Namespace: default Status: ॥ Paused Message: CanaryPauseStep Strategy: Canary Step: 1/4 SetWeight: 20 ActualWeight: 20 Images: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 (canary, stable) nginx:1.14.1 (stable) nginx:1.14.2 (canary) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 5 Updated: 1 Ready: 5 Available: 5 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO ⟳ rollout-test-canary-nginx Rollout ॥ Paused 4m57s ├──# revision:2 │ └──⧉ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 7s canary │ └──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-w7clb Pod ✔ Running 6s ready:2/2 └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 4m57s stable ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-dkq5v Pod ✔ Running 4m57s ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-ph8pf Pod ✔ Running 4m57s ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-pw8md Pod ✔ Running 4m57s ready:2/2 └──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-rqbr5 Pod ✔ Running 4m57s ready:2/2
2. 80%のtrafficをcanaryに割り振る
Name: rollout-test-canary-nginx Namespace: default Status: ◌ Progressing Message: more replicas need to be updated Strategy: Canary Step: 2/4 SetWeight: 80 ActualWeight: 25 Images: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 (canary, stable) nginx:1.14.1 (stable) nginx:1.14.2 (canary) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 4 Updated: 1 Ready: 4 Available: 4 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO ⟳ rollout-test-canary-nginx Rollout ◌ Progressing 5m57s ├──# revision:2 │ └──⧉ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89 ReplicaSet ◌ Progressing 67s canary │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-w7clb Pod ✔ Running 66s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-9dcqt Pod ◌ Pending 0s ready:0/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-cgf6w Pod ◌ ContainerCreating 0s ready:0/2 │ └──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-hjlrp Pod ◌ Pending 0s ready:0/2 └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 5m57s stable ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-dkq5v Pod ✔ Running 5m57s ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-ph8pf Pod ✔ Running 5m57s ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-pw8md Pod ◌ Terminating 5m57s ready:2/2 └──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-rqbr5 Pod ✔ Running 5m57s ready:2/2
3. 60sec pause
Name: rollout-test-canary-nginx Namespace: default Status: ॥ Paused Message: CanaryPauseStep Strategy: Canary Step: 3/4 SetWeight: 80 ActualWeight: 80 Images: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 (canary, stable) nginx:1.14.1 (stable) nginx:1.14.2 (canary) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 5 Updated: 4 Ready: 5 Available: 5 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO ⟳ rollout-test-canary-nginx Rollout ॥ Paused 6m14s ├──# revision:2 │ └──⧉ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 84s canary │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-w7clb Pod ✔ Running 83s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-9dcqt Pod ✔ Running 17s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-cgf6w Pod ✔ Running 17s ready:2/2 │ └──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-hjlrp Pod ✔ Running 17s ready:2/2 └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 6m14s stable ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-dkq5v Pod ✔ Running 6m14s ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-ph8pf Pod ◌ Terminating 6m14s ready:2/2 └──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-rqbr5 Pod ◌ Terminating 6m14s ready:2/2
4. 100%のtrafficをcanaryに割り振る
Name: rollout-test-canary-nginx Namespace: default Status: ◌ Progressing Message: more replicas need to be updated Strategy: Canary Step: 4/4 SetWeight: 100 ActualWeight: 100 Images: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 (canary, stable) nginx:1.14.1 (stable) nginx:1.14.2 (canary) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 5 Updated: 4 Ready: 5 Available: 5 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO ⟳ rollout-test-canary-nginx Rollout ◌ Progressing 7m13s ├──# revision:2 │ └──⧉ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89 ReplicaSet ◌ Progressing 2m23s canary │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-w7clb Pod ✔ Running 2m22s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-9dcqt Pod ✔ Running 76s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-cgf6w Pod ✔ Running 76s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-hjlrp Pod ✔ Running 76s ready:2/2 │ └──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-ct9xs Pod ◌ Pending 0s ready:0/2 └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8 ReplicaSet • ScaledDown 7m13s stable └──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8-dkq5v Pod ◌ Terminating 7m13s ready:2/2 snip... Name: rollout-test-canary-nginx Namespace: default Status: ◌ Progressing Message: updated replicas are still becoming available Strategy: Canary Step: 4/4 SetWeight: 100 ActualWeight: 100 Images: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 (canary) nginx:1.14.2 (canary) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 5 Updated: 5 Ready: 4 Available: 4 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO ⟳ rollout-test-canary-nginx Rollout ◌ Progressing 7m22s ├──# revision:2 │ └──⧉ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89 ReplicaSet ◌ Progressing 2m32s canary │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-w7clb Pod ✔ Running 2m31s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-9dcqt Pod ✔ Running 85s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-cgf6w Pod ✔ Running 85s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-hjlrp Pod ✔ Running 85s ready:2/2 │ └──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-ct9xs Pod ✔ Running 9s ready:2/2 └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8 ReplicaSet • ScaledDown 7m22s stable
5. canary を stable に切り替え
Name: rollout-test-canary-nginx Namespace: default Status: ✔ Healthy Strategy: Canary Step: 4/4 SetWeight: 100 ActualWeight: 100 Images: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 (stable) nginx:1.14.2 (stable) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 5 Updated: 5 Ready: 5 Available: 5 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO ⟳ rollout-test-canary-nginx Rollout ✔ Healthy 7m23s ├──# revision:2 │ └──⧉ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 2m33s stable │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-w7clb Pod ✔ Running 2m32s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-9dcqt Pod ✔ Running 86s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-cgf6w Pod ✔ Running 86s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-hjlrp Pod ✔ Running 86s ready:2/2 │ └──□ rollout-test-canary-nginx-bc478cd89-ct9xs Pod ✔ Running 10s ready:2/2 └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollout-test-canary-nginx-598c9cf7c8 ReplicaSet • ScaledDown 7m23s
Argo Rolloutの
はServiceからtraffic routingするReplicaSetを切り替えることで実現します。 そのため、Service
--- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-conf data: nginx.conf: | user nginx; worker_processes 1; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { server { listen 80; server_name _; location / { root html; index index.html index.htm; } location /nginx_status { stub_status on; access_log off; allow; deny all; } } } --- kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: rollout-test-bluegreen-active spec: selector: app: rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx ports: - protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 80 --- kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: rollout-test-bluegreen-preview spec: selector: app: rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx ports: - protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 80 --- apiVersion: kind: Rollout metadata: name: rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx spec: strategy: blueGreen: activeService: rollout-test-bluegreen-active previewService: rollout-test-bluegreen-preview selector: matchLabels: app: rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx replicas: 5 template: metadata: annotations: 'true' '9113' labels: app: rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx spec: volumes: - name: nginx-conf configMap: name: rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-conf items: - key: nginx.conf path: nginx.conf containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:1.14.2 ports: - containerPort: 80 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf readOnly: true name: nginx-conf subPath: nginx.conf - name: nginx-exporter image: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 args: - -nginx.scrape-uri=http://localhost/nginx_status ports: - containerPort: 9113
を作成する- 同じmanifestsファイルに記載する場合、上から順にリソースを作成していくため記載順も注意すること
The resources will be created in the order they appear in the file. Therefore, it's best to specify the service first, since that will ensure the scheduler can spread the pods associated with the service as they are created by the controller(s), such as Deployment.
$ kubectl argo rollouts get rollout rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Name: rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Namespace: default Status: ✖ Degraded Message: InvalidSpec: The Rollout "rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx" is invalid: spec.strategy.blueGreen.activeService: Invalid value: "rollout-test-bluegreen-active": service "rollout-test-bl uegreen-active" not found Strategy: BlueGreen Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 0 Updated: 0 Ready: 0 Available: 0
$ kubectl argo rollouts get rollout rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Name: rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Namespace: default Status: ✔ Healthy Strategy: BlueGreen Images: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 (stable, active) nginx:1.14.1 (stable, active) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 5 Updated: 5 Ready: 5 Available: 5 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO ⟳ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Rollout ✔ Healthy 16s └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 16s stable,active ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-6rpsr Pod ✔ Running 15s ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-9jcz9 Pod ✔ Running 15s ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-9v7vb Pod ✔ Running 15s ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-gg6kv Pod ✔ Running 15s ready:2/2 └──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-s87hs Pod ✔ Running 15s ready:2/2
$ kubectl get service NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE snip... rollout-test-bluegreen-active ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 46s rollout-test-bluegreen-preview ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 46s
へbump upしてdeploy-
kubectl argo rollouts get rollout rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx -w
で状態遷移を確認1. 新しいReplicaSetが作成され、Podが起動する
Name: rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Namespace: default Status: ◌ Progressing Message: active service cutover pending Strategy: BlueGreen Images: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 (active, preview, stable) nginx:1.14.1 (stable, active) nginx:1.14.2 (preview) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 10 Updated: 5 Ready: 5 Available: 5 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO ⟳ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Rollout ◌ Progressing 14m ├──# revision:2 │ └──⧉ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986 ReplicaSet ◌ Progressing 13s preview │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-4kr6t Pod ✔ Running 13s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-jbgnb Pod ✔ Running 13s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-pzpdn Pod ✔ Running 13s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-9p276 Pod ✔ Running 12s ready:2/2 │ └──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-n87x2 Pod ✔ Running 12s ready:2/2 └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 14m stable,active ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-6rpsr Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-9jcz9 Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-9v7vb Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-gg6kv Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 └──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-s87hs Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2
2. active serviceが新しいReplicaSetに向き、古いReplicaSetがscale downするまでscaleDownDelaySeconds` sec(default: 30) delay
Name: rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Namespace: default Status: ✔ Healthy Strategy: BlueGreen Images: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 (active, stable) nginx:1.14.1 nginx:1.14.2 (stable, active) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 10 Updated: 5 Ready: 5 Available: 5 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO ⟳ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Rollout ✔ Healthy 14m ├──# revision:2 │ └──⧉ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 14s stable,active │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-4kr6t Pod ✔ Running 14s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-jbgnb Pod ✔ Running 14s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-pzpdn Pod ✔ Running 14s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-9p276 Pod ✔ Running 13s ready:2/2 │ └──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-n87x2 Pod ✔ Running 13s ready:2/2 └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 14m delay:28s ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-6rpsr Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-9jcz9 Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-9v7vb Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-gg6kv Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 └──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-s87hs Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 Name: rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Namespace: default Status: ✔ Healthy Strategy: BlueGreen Images: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 (active, stable) nginx:1.14.1 nginx:1.14.2 (stable, active) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 10 Updated: 5 Ready: 5 Available: 5 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO ⟳ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Rollout ✔ Healthy 14m ├──# revision:2 │ └──⧉ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 42s stable,active │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-4kr6t Pod ✔ Running 42s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-jbgnb Pod ✔ Running 42s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-pzpdn Pod ✔ Running 42s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-9p276 Pod ✔ Running 41s ready:2/2 │ └──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-n87x2 Pod ✔ Running 41s ready:2/2 └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 14m delay:0s ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-6rpsr Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-9jcz9 Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-9v7vb Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-gg6kv Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 └──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-s87hs Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2
secが経過Name: rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Namespace: default Status: ✔ Healthy Strategy: BlueGreen Images: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 (active, stable) nginx:1.14.1 nginx:1.14.2 (stable, active) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 10 Updated: 5 Ready: 5 Available: 5 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO ⟳ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Rollout ✔ Healthy 14m ├──# revision:2 │ └──⧉ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 43s stable,active │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-4kr6t Pod ✔ Running 43s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-jbgnb Pod ✔ Running 43s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-pzpdn Pod ✔ Running 43s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-9p276 Pod ✔ Running 42s ready:2/2 │ └──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-n87x2 Pod ✔ Running 42s ready:2/2 └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 14m delay:passed ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-6rpsr Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-9jcz9 Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-9v7vb Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-gg6kv Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2 └──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-s87hs Pod ✔ Running 14m ready:2/2
5. 古いReplicaSetがscale downする
Name: rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Namespace: default Status: ✔ Healthy Strategy: BlueGreen Images: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 (stable, active) nginx:1.14.2 (stable, active) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 10 Updated: 5 Ready: 5 Available: 5 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO ⟳ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Rollout ✔ Healthy 14m ├──# revision:2 │ └──⧉ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 43s stable,active │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-4kr6t Pod ✔ Running 43s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-jbgnb Pod ✔ Running 43s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-pzpdn Pod ✔ Running 43s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-9p276 Pod ✔ Running 42s ready:2/2 │ └──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-n87x2 Pod ✔ Running 42s ready:2/2 └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65 ReplicaSet • ScaledDown 14m ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-6rpsr Pod ◌ Terminating 14m ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-9jcz9 Pod ◌ Terminating 14m ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-9v7vb Pod ◌ Terminating 14m ready:2/2 ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-gg6kv Pod ◌ Terminating 14m ready:2/2 └──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65-s87hs Pod ◌ Terminating 14m ready:2/2
6. 古いReplicaSetのscale downが完了
Name: rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Namespace: default Status: ✔ Healthy Strategy: BlueGreen Images: nginx/nginx-prometheus-exporter:0.11.0 (stable, active) nginx:1.14.2 (stable, active) Replicas: Desired: 5 Current: 5 Updated: 5 Ready: 5 Available: 5 NAME KIND STATUS AGE INFO ⟳ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx Rollout ✔ Healthy 14m ├──# revision:2 │ └──⧉ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986 ReplicaSet ✔ Healthy 52s stable,active │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-4kr6t Pod ✔ Running 52s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-jbgnb Pod ✔ Running 52s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-pzpdn Pod ✔ Running 52s ready:2/2 │ ├──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-9p276 Pod ✔ Running 51s ready:2/2 │ └──□ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-559fd99986-n87x2 Pod ✔ Running 51s ready:2/2 └──# revision:1 └──⧉ rollout-test-bluegreen-nginx-5bb9dbdb65 ReplicaSet • ScaledDown 14m